A Complete & Integrated Backup Solution

Is Your FileOnQ Data Securely Protected?

Azure Government Cloud Backup

Disaster and crime never sleep, leaving opportunity for your critical data to be lost or corrupted. If you do not have a cost-effective and robust solution for secure backup of your data, FileOnQ can help. Our backup solution uses backup routines defined by your agency, and is the perfect fit to protect your data if disaster strikes.

The FileOnQ backup solution stores ALL of your FileOnQ (SQL) data offsite in the secure Microsoft Azure Government Cloud using daily backup routines defined by your agency. Microsoft supports and guarantees the integrity of all data backed up to their service. This security provides you with the peace of mind that your can recover quickly if your data is compromised or lost. 

  • Quick recovery from ransomware, fire, water, or other disasters.
  • Avoid public embarrassment from data loss and the time-consuming process of manually re-entering lost data.
  • Cost effective, as it starts as little as $3 a day. 

Get your backup plan started today!

Be up and running quickly.

Our consultants will help create the perfect fit for your organization. After analyzing your needs, we will provide a backup solutions to ensure your data is fully protected 24/7.

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How it’s implemented

A FileOnQ backup specialist will work with your agency to configure your database backups in the secure Microsoft Azure Government Cloud service. The configuration typically takes less than two hours.

Don’t let your data be held hostage.

You must be able to access YOUR CRITICAL DATA at all times to efficiently do your job and ensure public confidence. Losing that data can have wide-spread consequences. The good news is, you can quickly recover from ransomware attacks if you have a proper backup and recovery plan.

Learn the risks of being hit with ransomware and how to avoid it by downloading this free guide from NIST – Information and technology laboratory.

Great News! Consulting & Training Is Always FREE for Customers Who Have a Current Maintenance and Support Contract.

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