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Evidence Integrity Redefined: Achieving Accreditation Excellence
In the intricate tapestry of our justice system, evidence stands as the thread that binds truth to outcome. Every fingerprint,...
The Future of Evidence Management: Predictive Analytics and Beyond
Imagine stepping into the future of law enforcement, where evidence management is no longer a game of catch-up but a proactive,...
From Chaos to Precision – 7 Evidence Control Hacks
Picture this: A season evidence custodian is transferred to a new law enforcement agency. Standing in the evidence room for the...
Risk Assessments for Evidence Management Units: EMS vs. RMS
Imagine this scene… The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as the investigator confidently took the stand. Months of painstaking...
Addressing Physical Evidence Challenges with EvidenceOnQ
In law enforcement, managing physical evidence isn’t just about maintaining records—it’s about ensuring justice is served. Every...
Understanding Each FileOnQ Software Solution
Efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability are paramount in public safety and law enforcement. The challenges are vast and varied,...
LE Leaders: Is Your Evidence Department a Ticking Time Bomb?
Law enforcement leaders, can you answer these three simple questions… Do you know the name of an evidence tech in your agency? ...
Introducing DigitalOnQ’s New Citizen Upload Feature!
In today's digital age, the landscape of law enforcement is rapidly evolving, with over 90% of crimes now involving a digital...
FoundropOnQ – A Control Center for Found and Recovered Property
Every year, law enforcement agencies across the nation face an uphill battle managing found, stolen, and recovered property....
Interview: From Typewriter Repairman to Chief of Police – Part 2
In Part One of this interview, we spoke with John Calhoon - the Undersheriff for the Jackson County Sheriff's Office (KS) - ...
Interview: From Typewriter Repairman to Chief of Police – Part 1
Recently, we interviewed John Calhoon, the Undersheriff for the Jackson County Sheriff's Office (KS), about the importance of...
Why EVERY LE Leader Should Spend a Week in the Evidence Department
Recently, we interviewed John Calhoon, the Undersheriff for the Jackson County Sheriff's Office (KS), about the importance of...
Quartermaster: Public Safety’s Asset Management Control Center
Effective asset management is critical for any public safety organization, whether it's law enforcement, fire departments, or...
Forensic Evidence Control: What is it, and Why is it Important?
Given the critical nature of managing forensic evidence, advanced tools are required to streamline the process and prevent...
Why Police Chiefs MUST Fund EMS to Address the Explosion of Digital
In the past decade, the landscape of crime has dramatically shifted, with the rise of digital evidence becoming a cornerstone in...
FileOnQ – an Evidence Control Center for Cross-Jurisdictional Cases
In the first part of this series, we explored the intricate challenges of managing evidence control across multiple...
FileOnQ: An Evidence Control Center for Cross-Jurisdictional Cases
In a world that’s becoming increasingly interconnected, evidence control across multiple jurisdictions or agencies has...
Chain of Custody: FileOnQ Software is the Evidence Control Center
In the world of law enforcement, the chain of custody is more than just a procedural formality; it’s an evidence control...
Total Evidence Management Control Over Drugs, Currency, and Firearms
In the realm of law enforcement, managing evidence, especially when it involves drugs, currency, and firearms, requires a...
On-Prem or Cloud SaaS – Which is a Better Evidence Control Center?
In the digital age, evidence management control has become a critical aspect for organizations handling sensitive and...
Mission Possible: A Blueprint for Controlling Every Piece of Evidence
In the high-stakes realm of law enforcement, the linchpin of justice is evidence control—every piece crucial in the pursuit of...
Mission Possible: A Blueprint for Controlling Every Piece of Evidence
In the high-stakes world of law enforcement, where every second counts and every decision can tilt the scales of justice, one...
How Evidence Management Software Can Improve Law Enforcement
Professional evidence management is paramount in the evolving landscape of law enforcement. Traditional methods such as log...
Why Unchecked Procedures are an Evidence Management Liability
For anyone who has young children living in their home, you’ve probably laid down some basic house rules that they are expected...
What Do Evidence Techs Actually Do All Day? Part – 2
Welcome back to Part Two of "What Do Evidence Custodians Actually Do All Day?" Grab your favorite coffee, get comfy in your...
What do Evidence Techs Actually Do All Day? Part – 1
Last week, we wrote an article called, The Journey of Evidence: Beyond the Storage Facility, in response to some comments that...
The Journey of Evidence Beyond the Storage Facility
Last week, we posted an evidence management article that began with these three sentences… “In law enforcement, there’s often a...
Insufficient Evidence Management Training Should Be a Crime
In law enforcement, there's often a significant gap in understanding between the front-line officers and the evidence management...
Why Ignoring Inventories is a Huge Evidence Management Mistake
Evidence management inventories are often neglected, leading to significant repercussions for law enforcement agencies.
Neglecting Dispositions is a Costly Liability
Law enforcement agencies are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities, one of which is the proper handling of evidence. From...
Repetitive Evidence Management Tasks are a Waste of Time and Money
Repetitive evidence management tasks, handled with paper and pen, represent a significant drain on time and financial resources...
Why a Lack of Evidence Management Organization is a Liability
In the intricate web of law enforcement operations, evidence management (EM) stands as a cornerstone of justice. It is the...
Failing to Use Technology in Evidence Management is a Mistake
In today's technologically advanced world, the integration of technology into various sectors has become indispensable. One such...
Digital Evidence Management in Law Enforcement – Part 4
This four-part series is based on a joint webinar between IAPE and FileOnQ. The webinar addressed the critical role of digital...
Digital Evidence Management in Law Enforcement – Part 3
This four-part series is based on a joint webinar between IAPE and FileOnQ, addressing the critical role of digital evidence and...
Digital Evidence Management in Law Enforcement – Part 2
This four-part series is based on a joint webinar between IAPE and FileOnQ, addressing the critical role of digital evidence and...
Digital Evidence Management in Law Enforcement – Part 1
This four-part series is based on a joint webinar between IAPE and FileOnQ, addressing the critical role of digital evidence and...
Digital Evidence is Growing at an Exponential Rate
Did you know that over 90% of crimes these days have a digital element? In the realm of law enforcement, the exponential growth...
16 Essential Features to Consider When Choosing a DEMS
Every year, law enforcement agencies face the daunting task of handling an ever-growing volume of digital evidence. With the...
The 6 Risks of Letting Your Evidence Inventory Grow Out of Control
In the realm of law enforcement, maintaining a meticulous and well-organized evidence inventory is not just a best practice;...