by | Nov 19, 2022 | News Blog | 0 comments

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DigtialOnQ Empowers cost effective and robust digital evidence management.

Officers are collecting more digital evidence than ever before, yet only a fraction ever makes it to court.

  • What happens to all that evidence?
  • Should it be kept indefinitely?
  • And if not, how do departments know when evidence can be purged?

Many police departments struggle with physical and digital evidence retention. A department can easily fill up a property room and max out an evidence server trying to keep up with all the incoming evidence.

DigitalOnQ and EvidenceOnQ include a retention manager, which alert key staff when evidence has been held a certain length of time and eligible for review. For example, found property evidence could be set for a 90-day review. Misdemeanor cases might be reviewed at 1 year, while felonies would be held longer or forever. It’s based on the retention settings you specify.

EvidenceOnQ and DigitalOnQ are integrated so you can manage retention of physical and digital evidence in one place.

Evidence managers (and folks directly handling evidence) will tell you having evidence flow into the police department without a policy for getting evidence out is a recipe for disaster.

By setting up a retention policy, police departments ensure physical and digital evidence will be periodically reviewed and purged at the appropriate time. 💪


FileOnQ – Public Safety & Justice Platform Solutions for the win. #police #lawenforcement #evidence


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