Are you Committing These 7 Deadly Sins of Property and Evidence Management?

In this free downloadable guide, you’ll discover several common mistakes that agencies make that put them at risk. No matter the size of your agency, this simple e-book can help you keep track of those things that can make or break your cases.

Read on to discover widespread ‘sins’ and some simple solutions!

Your agency could be at risk because of ordinary mistakes that you may not even know you’re making!

Nobody wants to end up in the paper because they lost evidence that led to a criminal going free. And no one wants to lose the deal because they mishandled the files. What if you could learn some practices today that would keep that from happening?


Click the button below to see the most recent headline news from the International Association for Property and Evidence for agencies that didn’t take the simple steps to reduce their risk.

In The Seven Deadly Sins of Property and Evidence Management, we help you look at a few key areas of your agency to determine whether or not you need to make some simple adjustments in order to maximize your property and evidence management systems.

We cover where a lot of organizations slip up when it comes to:

  • Using the Wrong Technology
  • Disorganization
  • Lack of Inventory Control
  • Insufficient Training for Staff
  • and more!

Find out what you’ve been overlooking!

seven deadly sins of property evidence management cover

Transform Your Department & Your Agency

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