Consulting Services

Empowering you with knowledge and skills to do your job with confidence.


Get the Help You Need So That You Can Help Others.

Our specialists bring to the table a wide variety of public safety expertise. We share this knowledge with our customers to provide quality services at an affordable price. This knowledge is used throughout our entire relationship with agencies – from the initial inquiry to implementation, then long into the future.

FileOnQ is recognized by industry leaders as experts in property and evidence management, providing consulting services for both customers and non-customers. We can help agencies develop new policies and procedures, prepare for accreditation, and even facilitate an audit. Our consultants can also assist in designing new evidence facilities as well as preparing for and executing the move of the property room.

We offer agencies a unique package – a comprehensive, flexible platform to fit your needs combined with expansive law enforcement experience. Our expertise in property and evidence management, investigations, crime scene, forensics, supervision, patrol, IT, records, prosecution, and the courts provides a recipe for success to all public safety organizations.

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Discover the Perfect Fit

Our consultants will help create the perfect fit for your organization, not a cookie-cutter solution. After analyzing your needs, we will provide a return on investment and solutions to streamline your processes and procedures.

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Solutions That Work the Way You Do

Our development team has tunnel vision when it comes to building a flexible solution to meet your unique needs. We are dedicated to providing software with a purpose, software that positively impacts your agency and the community you serve.

Our Integrations Provide Seamless Efficiency

We work for you, and so should your software. Our integration team is dedicated to creating data-sharing solutions to meet your unique workflow and reduce repetitive work efforts. We have established integrations with numerous third-party software solutions, so your data is shared efficiently and accurately across software systems..

Great News! Consulting & Training Is Always FREE for Customers Who Have a Current Maintenance and Support Contract.

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