Data Conversion Services

No need to leave your data behind. Our experienced team can import it for you.


All Your Data Under One Roof

Working from two systems is just crazy!

The goal of FileOnQ is to increase efficiency for your entire agency. It isn’t logical to implement our platform and keep your old data in a different system.  We want agencies to see improved, streamlined processes from day one with all your data under one roof. Our dedicated and experienced team will make that happen.

Request a Data Conversion

Data Conversion Facts:

Our solution has a built-in import/export module that has enabled us to import data in over 300 projects. Our implementation team has successfully converted data from many sources: RMS property and evidence modules, Access databases, Excel sheets, systems developed in-house, and even old mainframe systems. Our import utility has data validation reports that provide import errors along with efficient data clean-up tools. These data import services will be included in your solution proposal.

  • Data conversion can be a one-time process from an existing database or spreadsheet into your FileOnQ system. 
  • Data conversion can be an ongoing daily process for adding new or updating existing records within FileOnQ from a third-party application.
  • The import utility provides field data type validation, duplicated record validation, and data validation.
  • The import utility also enforces the same data entry rules established by an application’s unique profile to ensure data integrity.
  • Import routines can be run manually or as a scheduled background task.
  • If you don’t have sufficient IT support or resources, we can assist you in  importing your old data.
  • An estimate for data import can be provided and incorporated into your proposal.
  • FileOnQ can read your existing 1D barcode labels.


Training Resources

Going Above and Beyond

FileOnQ provides ongoing training for as long as you have our software and active maintenance and support, going beyond the one-and-done training offered by many companies.

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Solutions That Work the Way You Do

Our development team has tunnel vision when it comes to building a flexible solution to meet your unique needs. We are dedicated to providing software with a purpose, software that positively impacts your agency and the community you serve.

Great News! Consulting & Training Is Always FREE for Customers Who Have a Current Maintenance and Support Contract.

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